Platform Table of Contents:
II. NATIONALISM, or Impending Global Crises Demand Americans Team Up To Survive
A. Putting The Issue of Race Aside for Good (or at least paused temporarily for survival)
B. A New Vision for "Inclusion" in America
1. Nationalism & American Pride
2. The Role of State's Rights
3. Will Anyone Be "Excluded"?
4. Your Participation
5. Values Revisited
A. Squeezing the 99.9% (Pragmatism vs Ideological Purity)
B. A Quick Note on Socialism vs Communism
issue 4 points
Item description
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Item description
A. Method of Action
B. A Quick Note on Nostalgia
C. Transparency
America will soon arrive at a major intersection. While not the first major intersection that US citizens have been forced to navigate, it is nonetheless an intersection which provides only a few (if that many) paths to success—with the vast majority of other directions leading to the downslide of the United States that we’ve all known for the last 160 years or so.
In previous situations of peril, our nation survived by relying on our cohesion, monolithic leaders, community resilience, shared visions & goals, a broad middle class, and/or a shared “common sense”. Put another way, we survived the existentially-dangerous 1900’s because people were less apt to question their leaders, and a bigger chunk of the country all envisioned the same future.
It feels safe to say that our increased scrutiny on leaders is a good thing, with any backslide away from transparency being unadvisable. It also seems pretty safe to say that America of today is much more a splintering of many groups — all with their own visions of much different futures for the US of A. Many citizens now feel that the two above-referenced “rocks” as it were (i.e. united leadership, and a shared vision) are in disarray and unable to serve as a “bumper guards” for a nation headed for a gutter ball.
There were, maybe, times in American history in which life was copacetic enough that different election results, even at the presidential level, would not have changed much about life one way or another. This is not one of those times. It’s not hyperbole to say that the clock is ticking on us to “get our stuff together”—ticking on us to agree on some basic shared values –and ticking on us to ensure that we don’t squander this physical “gift” that is the United States of America. We use quotes here to clarify that we do not see it as a “gift” from the previous inhabitants—indeed, we recognize, and hope to rectify however possible, the sordid history of the United States.
Instead, we call our land a “gift” in recognizing its strategic geography to which we owe much of our centuries of safety. You also know America to be a “gift” if you’re anyone who has fallen in love with the fields behind your house, or the woods at the end of your street, or the sand in between your toes under a palm tree, or that brisk nose-full of mountain air that smells unlike anything else on earth, or even the exhilarating site of city masses coexisting —you’re one who nows that this land is indeed a blessing.
Most of us, however, see this blessing melting away with each drought—each school shooting—each closed farm—each door slammed in the face of a neighbor—each judge conducting laws & human lives to their own whims—and each billionaire who enjoys squandering enough resources for 100,000 families just because they happened to make a lucky stock market gamble.
Read more about NeoAmericanism and the party here.
Also known as:
“The Party”
The “True Democracy” Party
The “Imagine” Party
America’s Premiere Secular Political Party
The “Freedom from Religion” Party
The Cake Eaters
The “Every Life Matters” Party
“It’s a little bit democrat, a little bit republican; a little libertarian, a little democratic socialist; kinda nationalist; kinda liberal; kinda conservative; altogether different.”
America arise!