Does it feel like both the Democrats & Republicans have failed you?
The NeoAmerican Party is a concept of governmental STRUCTURE that is altogether different than anything offered right now, as we try to fundamentally rethink the institutions that are not serving our country’s needs. We draw from conservative and liberal viewpoints; right and left ideologies; as well as nationalism, socialism, populism, and yes, secularism. We address how Americans choose which freedoms to grant ourselves, and which things we’d like to grant ourselves freedom from.
Addressing the party name: we are not unaware that our name initially conjures specters of nasty entities, most notably, Neo-Nazis and the like. We purposely use the name not only to hereupon reclaim those ugly connotations, but because it’s a prefix that portends great potential when considered in it’s intended state — that is, outside of the racist stench. And if you’re a fan of that glorious film that brought “red pill/blue pill” into the political lexicon, then maybe you too are a Neo, looking to strip away the lies . . .
We don’t claim to know all the answers, but we do claim interest in finding some big answers, whether they suit our current worldview or not. Admittedly, much of our vision may be slightly ahead of its time . . .
. . . but if you agree with the statement: “GOVERNMENT IS NOT SERVING ME”, then it’s time to do something different! How else will we know if there are other ways to fix this mess that we’re all in? Government is a service industry. Here we envision the broadening of states rights as serving almost as 50 petri dishes. To those who are unilaterally against any changes to the American status quo, we ask you: who knew a democracy was superior to a monarchy until they conceived it and tried it? In this chapter of The American Experiment, in vivo testing of different forms of government and social structure will broaden the parameters of the American experience. In layman’s terms, states can live wilder. One state may be communist, one state may be democratic socialist, and yet another a military republic of counties. Of course, such changes could not endanger or inhibit operation of the Union. States clearly failing would be required to revert back to their traditional operations of statehood – and thus we might even “put to bed” certain ideologies once and for all as not viable for modern Americans.
We also now have metadata compilers that can help us evaluate the current and potential success of different policies, so in areas where debates still rage (e.g. only allowing experts to make policy vs the man on the street knows best), we should be able to conduct side-by-side comparisons to see which policies fare better. The added benefit of running these comparisons in real life + real time is the hope of unity – that by providing unassailable data showing one policy’s superiority over another, we can put to rest some of the opinion differences argued by families across meal tables everywhere.
NeoAmericans reject binary, polar, or “black-n-white” thinking, and know that modern America is smart enough to think on a greyscale. That is to say, modern Americans recognize nuanced differences which require that slight bit of extra brain power, and require answers more than simply saying, “good or bad; evil or righteous; conservative or liberal; progress or regression; capitalism or communism; god-fearing or heathen,” and so forth. The vast majority of situations in life are a mix of both sides — conglomerates of issues more resembling camouflage than black and white sides. Sometimes a country must be cruel in order to be kind; sometimes a good person behaves badly, and sometimes “bad people” have truly good intentions in their hearts.
A NeoAmerican believes that even people who mean well are still basically selfish by nature, and that while there are some truly heinous people who will never change, we believe that that number is a minute fraction of humanity. That is to say, we believe very, very few humans are truly altruistic, and likewise very few humans are irreconcilably “evil”. People, like countries, also represent more of a conglomerate of their traits, more akin again to a camouflage pattern than one “dark” side and one “good” side. Behaviors and past actions are represented in various shades depending on how we judge them, and how we judge our own actions is highly personal and not open to scrutiny in our opinion; but herein lies a crucial question NeoAmericanism looks to solve: What litmus test do we use to judge our national actions against? Put another way: how do we flex our collective national muscle and aim towards a finish line if all of our muscles haven’t agreed on which way to run?
Here we envision that every adult citizen in the country, through voting methods, would learn which values are shared by most Americans – and use that as the compass by which we guide our actions.
Following is an example of the kind of values test every adult citizen would be asked to complete: What Do We Americans Even Value Anymore?
Sometimes a solution requires a little bit of conservatism, a little bit of liberalism, and a lot of compromise. One punishment cannot fit all crimes if we really want to eliminate some behaviors out of modern American society. It then behooves us to look at issues piecemeal and decide the best microsolution for each piece, rather than decide at the onset, for example, that we will tackle all problems with only a progressive mindframe, or with solely a conservative viewpoint, etc.
America regaining that head seat at the world’s table does require a few more citizens dedicating and discipling ourselves to consider complicated, non-easy solutions for complex, esoteric problems. Will you be one who answers America’s cries? Fire up your mind! Alongside our dedication to not painting all problems with the same brush, we also find that solutions can seem paradoxical and contra-indicated, with different parts of a plan seemingly working in opposite directions. A good examples of this juxtaposition can be found in our proposed updates to our penal system: some of our proposals, such as curtailing pre-trial incarceration for all non-violent crimes, and allowing offenders to serve “public custodial oversight” in their communities, may smack of liberalism at first; but coupled with NeoAmerican’s commitment to a “Gangster-free society”, inner city gun recalls, and our expanded, timely death penalty stance for admitted “unsaveables”, we find a plan to save our neighborhoods which is simultaneously more understanding and yet less forgiving.
NeoAmericans feel deeply that amongst all the mistakes of the 20th century, we did create some beautiful qualities worth keeping or restoring -- like the ability for anyone to walk down any street at 3am and feel safe. One can indulge travelogues of the 1950s and hear how young men and women took to America’s roads for work — walking, hitching and hopping railcars across a country that was always there to catch them when they fell. Now far too many people fear boogie men of every walk of life around every corner and hiding in every nook, ready to take everything from us for no reason at all. While returning to that halcyon, coast-to-coast, insulated safety may be a pipe dream, NeoAmerican believes that our swift & dramatic attacks on crime, coupled with community involvement, mental health initiatives, and maybe most importantly -- a change in popular culture -- can get us pretty to close to being there again. We stay mindful not confuse those values which we revere and wish to preserve from the past, with the emotional and cognitive distortion known as nostalgia (link).
We would be foolish to predict any exact metrics for success at first, and reiterate that we do not purport to know all the answers—only that we believe our proposals are the best set of fixes, restarts and preventions offered by anyone currently. Further to this point, no member of the NeoAmerican party is permitted to accept any kind of salary for government positions. Permitted is a publicly-overseen per diem commensurate with average daily receipts for essential expenses, but this is reserved for members whose savings or side projects will not allow them to serve an income-free term. You can read more about our dedication to Transparency.